Collective Worship

Collective Worship

At Deanery collective worship is a highly valued part of the school day as it is the time when we gather together to affirm what is important to us, to our school and to our world. We take care to plan our collective worship so that it is inclusive, invitational, and inspiring. Collective worship in our school influences the way that we live together as a community and before God.
Read our collective worship policy found in the policies section of our website under parents’ information.
The topics covered follow the Christian calendar as well as linking to our school values to explore the big questions of life and respond to national and international events.

Our school values are:
Faith, Hope, Joy, Love, Grace and Peace

Weekly class prayer allows pupils to respond to themes from collective worship in their own classes.  Class assemblies use Picture News to contemplate current affairs in relation to spirituality, as well as celebrating pupils’ attitudes and achievements out of school.

We are a Deanery school serving many parishes in the Deanery of Aston and Sutton Coldfield.  Since 1st December 2019 the Revd Ann Richardson has been the area Dean and we love welcoming her into school as part of our community. 
We invite clergy from many local Churches in to support our worship as well as other Christian organisations such as KidsUK and our school parent prayer group.
We often visit St John's in Walmley for services and celebration of the Christian calendar such as Christmas, Easter, Harvest and Mothering Sunday. 
In acts of Collective Worship in our school it is recognised that in our school community, some members will come from families with a commitment to the Christian faith, others from families with a commitment to another faith and yet others will have no particular commitment to any tradition. Therefore the content and language of collective worship allows for different levels of response. It invites rather than coerces.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship.  If a parent wishes to consider this option, Mrs Luckett should be approached.

See examples of our collective worship by visiting the collective worship blog